Gum bleeding is very common and is usually not serious. You may notice some blood after brushing your teeth or flossing, which can irritate sensitive gums. A person’s gums bleed most commonly due to plaque or tartar buildup which allows bacteria to grow along the gums. Only good oral hygiene prevents sensitivity and bleeding.

Try one of the following tips on how to stop gum bleeding immediately and prevent the bleeding from returning.


You can help stop the bleeding by immediately holding a clean and damp gauze against the affected area. Then, gently press the gauze until the blood flow stops. People with weak immune systems may find that their gums take longer to stop bleeding. Speak to a specialist about the best way to stop the blood flow.


Hold a cool compress ice pack or an ice cube against bleeding and swollen gums to help soothe them. Ice packs are especially helpful to soothe mouth injuries causing swelling, such as cuts and scrapes. Ice can also help reduce problems caused by gingivitis. Use ice for 10 minutes at the gum and take 30-minute breaks. Some people may call the doctor if the bleeding does not stop within half an hour.

Warm salt rinse

Rinsing the mouth with salt water helps reduce bacteria and speeds up healing. Anyone can make an oral rinse by adding half a teaspoon of salt to 200ml of warm water. Move the rinse around the mouth to cleanse the whole mouth, then spit it out. Repeat this several times a day or consult with your dentist.

Using the right toothbrush

People with sensitive gums can opt for a toothbrush labeled extra soft or sensitive. Firm toothbrushes are too rough on the gums. We recommend that people use a toothbrush with soft bristles for 2 minutes twice daily. Replace toothbrushes every 3 to 4 months if the bristles look frayed.

Floss every day

Starting a new flossing habit usually causes bleeding at first. This is because the gums may not be used to the stimulation. However, the bleeding should stop after a few days of consistent flossing. Regular flossing improves gum health and reduces gum bleeding over time.

Avoiding smoking

Smoking is a big cause of gum disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This is because smoking harms the immune system, which means the body is less able to fight off the bacteria that stick to the gums and harm them. In addition, once the gums are bleeding, smoking makes it harder for the body to heal its tissues.

Avoid processed and sugary foods

Eating starchy, processed foods can cause gingivitis and bleeding gums. Starchy foods usually stick to teeth and gums. This action can lead to inflammation and bleeding. Starchy, processed foods include refined cakes, bread, cookies, and potato chips.

Eating crunchy vegetables

Crunchy vegetables like carrots can help keep teeth clean. The crunchy quality can remove food residue from the teeth. Also, they have low amounts of sugar and carbs, so they do not promote tooth decay or gum problems.

It is important to know that these are just temporary solutions, it is still recommended to visit the dentist. If you are looking for a dentist in Pune, book an appointment with Oswal dental right away!