‘Teeth is not considered as bone.’

Yeah; since they don't have any bone marrow or direct nerves to get nourishment, our teeth aren’t considered as a part of our skeleton structure. Weird right? Not really, in fact, there are several other uniquely weird facts about our teeth and oral health which are rarely known to us and are equally eye popping to read. Here are some of those trivia facts to boggle your brains and make you rethink your assumptions about your own teeth:

Your Teeth Are Your Bio-print

Like fingerprints, our set of teeth are also unique to us and even identical twins don’t have matching sets of teeth. In recent years, dental records are also being considered as a unique identification factor for a person. And not just your teeth, but your tongue also has a unique characteristic print which can be used as your identification factor.

Your teeth are closely identical to Icebergs

Not in terms of the temperature but in terms of its structure. Like icebergs in the water, one-third part of every tooth is sunk inside the gums. 

No bone is as hard as the enamel, and yet it is more vulnerable to Damage

The outer protective structure of your teeth which is the enamel is primarily made of calcium and phosphorus, just like any other bone. However, there are additional proteins and crystallites which make it even more sturdy and rigid than other bones.

Despite being this strong, it is the most venerable bone-like structure in the body as it comes in direct contact with various acidic substances and infectious bacterias through what we eat or simply the air.

Yellow patches can also indicate decay

Tooth decay doesn’t necessarily have to look black, as sometimes it can decay by forming yellow patches which one might misread as coffee stains. Such yellow patches may also cause painful episodes in teeth.

Enamel technically never grows as you get older

Your teeth appear to grow because the Dentin layer which lies below the enamel layer grows. This dentin has nerve connections which enable its nourishment and growth. So, as you grow old, the enamel always remains static while the underlying dentin changes continually.

Your mouth is home to more than 300 bacterias

Even though there are some bacterias which are helpful for the body, many bacterias which live in our mouth, which are close to around 300 types, are the cause of dental plaque and oral infections. The Streptococcus mutans bacteria which is commonly found is responsible for converting sugary foods into acids that decay our teeth.

Our Mouth produces 10,000 Gallons of Spit in an average lifespan

Our mouth produces about a litre of saliva every day, which is used for making food swallowable and digestible. It cleanses the teeth from time to time and its calcium and phosphate contents neutralize the acids in plaque that cause damage and decay.

Toothpaste and Brushes were invented in 500 BC

This can be a real shocker, as most of us don’t know how old the dental hygiene phenomenon really is. Ancient Greeks were the ones who first used a mixture of iron rust and coral powder as toothpaste, and bunches of tree twigs as toothbrushes.

There’s always a lot to learn about your teeth and its hygiene. And if you wish to learn more of such unique facts about our teeth from a dentist in Pune, then visit Oswal Dental Clinic whenever you feel like. In fact, as it is one of the few multispeciality dental clinic in Pune, you might be able to solve all your family’s dental problems in a single visit here. You can visit the Oswal Dental Clinic website to book your appointment or to learn more about having the best root canal treatment in Pune.

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