Oswal Dental Clinic offers a comprehensive range of tooth replacement treatments, including the best dental implants in Pune. We understand how a healthy and fuller smile affect your different life aspects and instantly boost your confidence. Losing teeth due to tooth decay, infection, gum disease, or accidental trauma can severely impact your dental health. Fortunately, there are ample options to regain your missing teeth. You have to know the best option suitable for your smile.

In this blog, we will discuss all types of tooth replacement options and how to choose the best among them. 

  1. Dental Veneers: If your teeth are discoloured, dent, chipped, or formed gap in between, dental veneers are the best option to consider. Dental veneers help your teeth look brand new and perfect. In this procedure, the dentist in Pune removes a small portion of enamel during your first appointment. The doctor shall reschedule your second appointment to place the veneers on your natural teeth.
  2. Dental Implants: Dental implant is the most popular treatment when you have to replace more than one teeth. Dental implants feel like your natural teeth, and you do not have to take them out for cleaning. It improves your ability to smile, eat, chew, and enhance the aesthetic appeal of your teeth. The procedure can be a bit invasive, but worth considering. 
  3. Partial Dentures: If you want to get rid of missing teeth but also looking for a non-invasive procedure, then choose partial dentures. The partial dentures help you chew food like your teeth and is less expensive compared to other tooth replacement options.
  4. Full Dentures: Although this treatment is costlier than partial dentures, full dentures are similar to the partial procedure. It covers the most part of your mouth and offers full protection from bone loss. 
  5. Resin-Bonding Bridge: This procedure is best suited for patients with loss of front teeth. Before choosing the tooth replacement treatment, discuss your dental preferences with the dentist. Whether you are looking for low maintenance, temporary, permanent, or cheaper option, Oswal Dental Clinic can help you choose the best treatment after a thorough examination. 

Book your appointment with our clinic and get rid of all your dental concerns. From offering the best root canal treatment in Pune to providing the best preventative treatments, we provide all-round solutions to help patients reclaim their oral health. 

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